The partnership, therefore, consistently with a similar approach is formed by:- four Schools and one high school (Akademia);
– three school innovators (School Inn), ilmiolavoro, ITStudy, Ustvarjalnik and partly Akademia who will offer a scientific and methodological contribution to the development and evaluation of the effectiveness of the new solution;
– Schools (ISTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIORE “TITO ACERBO” Pescara, Goierri Eskola, Magyar Gyula, Geps Piran) some of them have already had experiences of international projects, others are in the first experience. All are involved in the professional growth of teachers. The schools will offer their contribution throughout the project: they will shed light on the critical issues and obstacles to the application of more effective pedadogies, they will suggest components of the solutions that overcome the critical points of the system, they will involve groups of their teachers in the training paths, whose results will then be multiplied on a larger scale, in the test and evaluation of effectiveness of the solutions developed.
Magyar Gyula Kertészeti Szakgimnázium és Szakközépiskola (HU) |
Goiherriko Herrien Ekintza (SP) |
GEPS Piran School (SL) |
Ustvarjalnik (SL) — Ustvarjalnik: School inn, working in the field of pedagogy, running entrepreneurial clubs in high schools, organizing events on Entrepreneurship for high school students, mentoring young teams, organizing seminars on different schools on how to be a good mentor. They have developed a technology that assists the teacher in classroom activities, a virtual robot that takes care of the teacher’s operational tasks, leaving him time and resources to deal with the relationship and direct support to the students; |
iTStudy Hungary Educational and Research Centre (HU) — ITStudy: School inn and expert in learning technologies will provide the necessary support for the implementation of the Toolkit and connected OER. He followed intense research activities related to educational changes “rethinking education” in the information society in close collaboration with university institutions, vocational training schools and SMEs both in Hungary and in Europe. He has extensive experience in developing ICT-based educational solutions to support advanced technology learning (TEL); |
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi (PL) — Akademia has the dual role of being a School Inn but also a high school. The university focuses on creativity, the development of entrepreneurial skills among students. They created and applied an innovative teaching methodology called “The Technology of Creativity”, which is based on the project method and encourages students to plan their activities during the course of study. The FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE has experience in developing innovative teaching methods, research in the field of education and the implementation of new teaching methods. Akademie high schools will also have a school role |
ilmiolavoro srl (IT )- – ILMIOLAVORO is a School Innovator specialized in the learning processes of teachers. In his team there are researchers, trainers and consultants with a consolidated expertise in the learning and teaching processes. Since 2015 he has experience in the design and provision of training courses for over a thousand teachers active in school-work alternation. It promotes the development of creativity and problem solving skills in teachers. |